Transcript title
20th Century United States
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Course Description
Provides an overview of United States history from approximately 1920 to the present, covering the modern period. Topics include the end of World War I and its consequences, modernity, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, foreign policy determinants conflicts since WWII, Civil Rights, 1960s-70s social and cultural changes, shifting economic and social role of government, feminism and changing status of women since WWII, immigration, 20th century society and culture, late 20th century politics, terrorism and other recent developments. Need not be taken in sequence.
Course learning outcomes
1. Interpret the relationship between the past and the present, which takes into account social, cultural, political, and religious perspectives of the 20th and early 21st century United States.
2. Analyze primary historical evidence from the modern era of United States history.
3. Identify historical arguments found in secondary sources regarding the United States in the 20th and early 21st century.
4. Construct an historical argument in a written essay.
5. Challenge shared assumptions and cultural stereotypes through discussion, written and oral means.
6. Identify the chronology of events and construct a narrative about some aspect of 20th century or modern United States history.
7. Identify geographical context of 20th and early 21st century historical events.
General education/Related instruction lists
- Social Science
- Cultural Literacy