KIK 201 : Second Year Kiksht Native Langauge I

Transcript title

Second Year Kiksht I



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Develops communication skills in Kiksht, the language of the Wasco people. First course of a three-term sequence of study of the American Indian language, Kiksht, at the second-year college level. Focuses on improving pronunciation and developing conversational skills.

Course learning outcomes

1. Recognize Kiksht language versus other heritage languages and how these differences relate to learning Kiksht.
2. Demonstrate proficiency of the pronunciation system.
3. Respond appropriately when asked questions or given directions by Elders and teachers about everyday activities.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the cultural heritage, traditions, and values rooted in the language and the community.
5. Foster language preservation by helping promote Kiksht to introductory learners.

Content outline

  • Greetings and courtesies (Introduce themselves, greet others, convey courtesies)
  • Identify things in the environment
  • Counting
  • Colors
  • Community values and beliefs
  • Cultural heritage and traditions
  • May also introduce alphabet

Required materials

This class is an oral based learning program, and materials for this class are generated by the teacher for class handouts.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Cultural Literacy
  • Arts and Letters

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