LMT 130 : Massage Fundamentals

Transcript title

Massage Fundamentals



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours



LMT 155, LMT 170.

Recommended preparation

BI 105 or BI 231; WR 065 (or higher) or placement in Wr/Comm Level 7; MTH 015 (or higher) or minimum placement in Math Level 7.

Course Description

Introduces the history of massage, self-care, proper body mechanics, basic medical terminology, universal sanitation precautions, draping, communication, and the effects of Swedish massage strokes. Repeatable for credit.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain the seven basic Swedish massage strokes and their effects on the body.
2. Utilize basic medical terminology.
3. Explain universal sanitation precautions.
4. Communicate effectively within a professional setting.
5. Identify Swedish massage strokes and use of positive body mechanics.
6. Evaluate the differences in massage therapy equipment and accessories.
7. Define and identify a wellness model and self-care practices.
8. Identify the scope of practice of massage and bodywork in relation to a wellness model.
9. Perform assessment and data collection including an observation and health history.

Content outline

  1. Class overview
  2. History of Massage/Massage as a profession/Modalities
  3. Wellness model
  4. Group activities – What it takes to be a professional, continuing education training opportunities
  5. Communication skills, Body language, self-care
  6. Medical Terminology and its use in massage therapy
  7. Contraindications and Cautions: Endangerment sites
  8. Health Intake, Client consent, and SOAP charting introduction
  9. Equipment, Hygiene and sanitation precautions
  10. Introduction to body mechanics
  11. Table set-up, client positioning, and draping
  12. Body Mechanics
  13. Draping and client positioning
  14. Swedish Massage Strokes Introduction
  15. Effects of: Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction, Tapotement, Vibration, Shaking, Jostling
  16. Hands-on Swedish Massage
  17. Written Final exam

Required materials

Textbook required.

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