LMT 150 : Massage II

Transcript title

Massage II



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours



LMT 113 and LMT 145.

Course Description

Introduces theory and practice of various modalities including deep tissue, trigger point therapy, muscle energy technique, and stretching. Incorporates client assessment and treatment planning for a massage session.

Course learning outcomes

1. Perform and analyze client health history intakes.
2. Design subjective, objective, action, and plan (SOAP) charted treatment plans, which develop a safe, effective session, and recommend an on-going treatment plan for the client.
3. Communicate the plan and rationale for a treatment session to the client.
4. Demonstrate client communication and consent while performing a massage therapy session that includes basic techniques in treatment massage.
5. Identify and apply principles and protocols for therapeutic massage and bodywork sessions.
6. Demonstrate draping skills that maintain client privacy and safety.

Content outline

  • Lecture on SOAP chart notes and client intake forms.
  • Lecture and review: body mechanics, flow, and time management.
  • Lecture and demonstrate: postural assessments and ROM.
  • Lecture: Setting up a treatment Plan/case study.
  • Lecture: Intro to Connective tissue
  • Assignment: Intake form and chart notes massage #1
  • Lecture and demonstrate: Palpation of Connective Tissue. Postural assessments and body imbalances, exchange.
  • Lecture: Fascial restrictions and introduction to trigger point, exchange.
  • Assignment: Intake form and chart notes massage #2
  • Lecture and demonstrate: Myofascial Techniques and Trigger points for restrictions caused by postural imbalances, exchange.
  • Lecture and demonstrate: Aligning the upper extremity with breath work, exchange.
  • Assignment: Intake form and chart notes massage #3
  • Lecture and demonstrate: Specific Treatment for Hyperkyphosis and TOS, Introduction to arm and shoulder, exchange.
  • Assignment: Intake form and chart notes massage #4.
  • Assignment: Intake form and chart notes massage #5
  • Lecture and demonstrate: Balancing the Upper Pole. Treatment for common tension headaches and neck pain, exchange.
  • Assignment: Intake form and chart notes massage #6
  • Assignment: Intake forms and chart notes #7
  • Lecture and demonstrate: Stabilizing the core: Hip and thigh introduction, exchange.
  • Assignment: Intake forms and chart notes #8
  • Assignment: Project part 2 - Case study and Treatment plan
  • Assignment: Intake forms and chart notes #9
  • Lecture and discuss: Self-care and review for final exam.

Required materials

REQUIRED Textbook(s) for this course, a massage table, and lotion holster.

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