Transcript title
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Other hours
LMT 145.
Course Description
The principles and techniques of water as it relates to a massage therapy session in its three forms; solid, liquid and vapor.
Course learning outcomes
1. Discuss the physiological effects of hydrotherapy on the human body.
2. Identify the indications, contraindications, precautions, effects and uses of hydrotherapy techniques.
3. Apply hydrotherapy treatments using hot and cold applications.
4. Describe appropriate methods of hygiene and sanitation for hydrotherapy applications and demonstrate universal sanitation precautions when using hydrotherapy.
5. Describe various hot and cold hydrotherapy techniques, such as hot or cold packs, immersion baths, paraffin, ice massage.
6. Identify the physiological principles and mechanisms involved in the effects of hydrotherapy.