LMT 223 : Thai Massage

Transcript title

Thai Massage



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours


Recommended preparation

LMT 155.

Course Description

Fundamentals of traditional Thai massage and its applications will be explored. Advanced techniques will be practiced using traditional methods and their applications. Students should have the ability to kneel and move around comfortably in this position.

Course learning outcomes

1. Discuss the history of Thai massage.
2. Recognize cautions and contraindications to Thai massage.
3. Demonstrate basic Thai massage applications in supine, prone, side-lying and seated positions.
4. Model proper body mechanics using Thai techniques.
5. Demonstrate a 60 and 90 minute Thai bodywork sequence.
6. Identify ten Sen lines.

Content outline

  • History of Thai massage
  • Discuss Sen lines
  • Perform Thai massage

Required materials

Loose, comfortable clothing required.

Outside of

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