LMT 240 : Neuromuscular Treatments I

Transcript title

Neuromuscular Treatments I



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours



LMT 145, LMT 150, LMT 175.

Course Description

This is advanced myofascial coursework that focuses on the treatment of specific conditions and injuries using neuromuscular massage therapy treatment protocols.

Course learning outcomes

1. Analyze client history health intake.
2. Perform a postural and gait assessment.
3. Evaluate, reason, and determine appropriate treatment options to alleviate pain and treat soft tissue injuries.
4. Demonstrate SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, plan) charting.
5. Discuss pathologies of injuries and chronic pain syndromes.
6. Demonstrate knowledge of pertinent anatomical structures.
7. Enhance palpation skills.
8. Utilize treatment techniques in deep tissue, neuromuscular, trigger point, myofascial release, stretching and rehabilitative exercise.
9. Explore current research and resources regarding injuries, chronic pain and their treatment.

Content outline

  • Introductions, Review Syllabus, What is Neuromuscular Treatment?
  • Interviews and Neuromuscular Treatments
  • Lecture: Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder
  • Demo: Masseter and Temporalis
  • Hands On: Masseter and Temporalis
  • Lecture: Tx Plan and Tracking
  • Lecture: Functional v. Structural Scoliosis
  • Lecture: Clinical SOAP Notes and Case Study
  • Midterm Practical Exam
  • Written Midterm Exam

Required materials

This course may require: purchase of textbook.

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