MFG 112 : Manufacturing Processes II

Transcript title

Manufacturing Processes II



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours



MFG 110.

Course Description

Builds on Manufacturing Processes I concepts, focusing on advanced machining operations. Emphasizes speed and feed calculations, milling machine and lathe practices, as well as producing process plans, advanced tooling and tooling geometry, and hands-on projects like pocket milling, taper turning, and threading. Covers how to operate manual mills and lathes to close tolerances.

Course learning outcomes

1. Calculate feeds and speeds for complex drilling, milling, and lathe operations.
2. Manufacture parts on manual mills and lathes to close tolerances.
3. Apply hands-on experience with various tooling geometries, applications, and effects on machining processes.
4. Describe and implement basic fixturing techniques for efficient and accurate machining.
5. Evaluate positive and negative tool movements in machining operations, including their impact on part quality.
6. Develop comprehensive process plans for machining operations, integrating best practices in workflow and tool selection.
7. Implement advanced machining techniques such as pocket milling, taper turning, and threading.

Content outline

  1. Review of fundamental concepts
  2. Advanced speed and feed calculations
  3. Process planning in machining
  4. Tool geometry and selection
  5. Precision manufacturing on manual mills and lathes
  6. Cutter diameter and length compensation
  7. Fixturing and setup for efficiency and accuracy
  8. Tool movement analysis
  9. Advanced machining techniques: focus on pocket milling, taper turning, and threading
  10. Practical assignments to apply learned concepts in real-world scenarios

Required materials

This course requires students to purchase safety gear, reference books, measuring instruments, materials, and tools

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