Transcript title
Additive Manufacturing
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lab hours
MFG 100.
Course Description
Introduces additive manufacturing concepts including various processes used in rapid prototyping. Design and create sample parts with a three-dimensional printing process.
Course learning outcomes
1. Describe additive manufacturing and where is it used.
2. Identify common additive manufacturing processing methods.
3. Summarize the process steps necessary to create parts using additive manufacturing.
4. Describe three-dimensional printer processes.
5. Produce workmanship samples of three-dimensional printer parts with lab equipment.
Content outline
- Graphics environment of Solidworks
- Computer aided drafting drawing import and printing procedures
- Solid model part representations
- Post-processing and reverse posting procedures for 3-D printer
- Exporting data to the 3-D printer
Required materials