Transcript title
MS II: Foundations in Leader
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Other hours
Recommended preparation
MS 113.
Course Description
This course explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and effective communication techniques. Aspects of personal motivation and team building are practiced during the conduct of leadership coursework. The focus continues to build on developing knowledge of the skills that Army leaders need to excel, as well as broadening knowledge of operations of the current military. No military obligation is incurred through participation in the course. This class is open to any student in any course of study.
Course learning outcomes
1. Explain and demonstrate the ability to utilize critical and creative thinking.
2. Define and explain each step of the Troop Leading Procedures (TLP).
3. Define and explain different styles, and characteristics of leadership.
4. Analyze and assess your own leadership style and characteristics.
5. Define and explain each step of an Operation Order (OPORD).
6. Demonstrate ability to conduct a military brief.