Transcript title
Musicianship IIB
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Recommended preparation
MUS 214. Recommended to be taken with
Course Description
Builds aural acuity through drill and practice in ear training, sight singing and dictation. Computer based exercises and tests are an important part of the work.
Course learning outcomes
1. Hear and name pitches in a given key based on the “movable do” system.
2. Dictate melodies as played (at the appropriate class level).
3. Dictate rhythms as played (at the appropriate class level).
4. Write harmonic progressions as played (at the appropriate class level).
5. Perform rhythmic exercises, (at the appropriate class level).
6. Sing melodic exercises, (at the appropriate class level).
7. Complete two-voice melodic dictation.