PHE 183 : Peer Support Specialist Training

Transcript title

Peer Support Specialist



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours



Instructor approval.

Course Description

This course prepares students to be certified as Peer Support Specialist (PSS) in Oregon. A PSS is an individual with shared lived experience with substance use and/or mental health recovery. This person will provide supportive services to current or former consumers of mental health or addiction treatment. A PSS is also a consumer advocate who facilitates linkage to needed services and activities.

Course learning outcomes

1. Evaluate the role of the Peer Support Specialist within the integrated model of a behavioral health team.
2. Identify practices, values, beliefs and culturally and historically defined differences in the mental health community.
3. Demonstrate entry level Peer Support Specialist core competencies.
4. Explain the relationship between human behavior and health.

Content outline

  1. Team building
  2. Roles of the PSS Supporting the Recovery Process
  3. Self-Care and Wellness
  4. Motivational Interviewing Techniques
  5. Discuss advocacy techniques and navigating the system
  6. Discuss what is trauma informed care 
  7. Learning what are boundaries and how to set boundaries

Required materials

Course packet

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Health

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