Transcript title
Community Health Worker
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Recommended preparation
PHE 100. Recommended to be taken with
Course Description
Provides the foundations of community health work which includes topics such as navigating the health care system, creating behavioral change plans, supporting case management, and working with agencies to advocate for system changes. Aligns with the Oregon Health Authority required coursework for a community health worker.
Course learning outcomes
1. Explain systemic barriers that prevent a person from accessing health and social services.
2. Explain strategies to locate referral to appropriate health care resources based on individual needs.
3. Explain the relationship between human behavior, social networks, and health.
4. Examine best practices for creating a client behavioral change action plan based on interview strategies and coaching techniques.
5. Explain the importance of understanding complex practices, values, beliefs and the culturally and historically defined differences within the context of community health.
6. Plan an advocacy strategy that addresses systemic change with an understanding of the larger environmental, social, and economic systems in play.
Content outline
- CHW Skills and Core Competencies and Public Health Module
- Navigating the US Health Care System/Coordinate Health Care
- Data Collection and Privacy
- Disease Processes Health Education
- Cultural Competency and Cross Cultural Relationships, including Bridging Clinical and Community Cultures
- Trauma-Informed Care
- Guiding Principles of Behavior Change and Health Education
- Self-Care and Cultivating Individual Resilience
- Community Advocacy: Health Promotion Strategies
- Community Event Roundtable: Advocacy Strategy with Community Members Attending
Required materials
Open education resources. No textbook required.
General education/Related instruction lists