PHM 125 : Pharmacy Technician Lab

Transcript title

Pharmacy Technician Lab



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours



PHM 100, PHM 110, PHM 120.

Course Description

Complements lecture with hands-on experience in medication preparation, non-sterile and sterile compounding, dispensing, calculations, maintaining drug stocks, and business applications.

Course learning outcomes

1. Employ United States Pharmacopeia and other pharmacy references for practice and administration and validate Drug Enforcement Administration numbers.
2. Accurately process prescriptions and patient data by reviewing patient profiles, managing prescription forms, filling prescriptions, and handling third-party claims accurately.
3. Create simulated pharmaceutical products and perform essential sterilization techniques, including hand washing, garbing, hood cleaning, and preparation of parenteral drugs.
4. Perform hospital and retail pharmacy tasks and accurately calculate dosages for patient medications.

Content outline

  1. Non-sterile compounding
  2. Retail simulation
  3. Prescription processing
  4. Filling/dispensing prescriptions
  5. Sterile compounding
  6. Proper PPE garbing, hand washing, hood cleaning
  7. Hazardous compounding
  8. Cart fill
  9. Crash cart
  10. Automated pyxis machine

Required materials

Textbook required.

Outside of

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