PSY 228 : Positive Psychology

Transcript title

Positive Psychology



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

WR 060 (or higher) or minimum placement Wr/Comm Level 5.

Course Description

Explores the components necessary to help a person flourish in their environment by addressing the biopsychosocial aspects that contribute to positive behaviors and human strengths. Provides an overview of the theories of happiness, importance of self-care and positive social cognitions, utilizing strengths in personal and professional venues, and means of achieving healthy relationships personally and with one's community.

Course learning outcomes

1. Describe the historical development of the field of positive psychology.
2. Describe how happiness and other positive psychology concepts are interpreted and expressed cross-culturally.
3. Explain the current research regarding the effects stress has on the body and the necessity of self-care.
4. Explain the different concepts of happiness and factors that increase or decrease one’s levels of positive emotion and life satisfaction.
5. Describe qualities of positive social cognition and explain why it is important to maintain a balanced perspective when addressing raising self-esteem and optimism.
6. Demonstrate an understanding of Flow and Signature Strengths and apply them to personal interests, academics and employment situations.
7. Explain the dynamics of healthy relationships and how one can maintain positive social interactions.
8. Describe the impact of helping on personal well-being and the factors that increase or impede helping behaviors and heroism.
9. Analyze controversial issues concerning positive psychology and apply this knowledge to everyday human behavior.

Content outline

  1. Introduction to positive psychology, research and scientific literacy 
  2. Stress and implementing positive behavioral change
  3. Cross-cultural understanding of happiness and well-being
  4. How culture shapes outlook and to use positive psychology tactics to boost resilience and growth mindset in face of challenges and failure
  5. Importance of play, flow states, and hobbies in innovation and creativity
  6. Understanding workplace burnout, how to prevent, and finding meaningful work
  7. Social interactions: conflict resolution, relationships, and healthy boundaries
  8. Positive communities: how to become an agent of positive change in social groups, systems, and communities
  9. Global change: understand social dilemmas and how to intervene to advocate for sustainable communities. 

Required materials

Textbook required. 

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Human Relations
  • Social Science
  • Cultural Literacy

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