SOC 208 : Sport and Society

Transcript title

Sport and Society



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

SOC 201.

Course Description

While we use sociology to help make sense of sport, we also use sport to develop the ability to think sociologically about society. Subjects include sport and: values, socialization, deviance, social problems and social inequities.

Course learning outcomes

1. Students will exhibit knowledge of sociological perspective of sport in society and the influences sports and society have on one another.
2. Students will demonstrate the ability to discuss sociological theories, concepts, and ideas related to sport and society in small and large group settings and to express empirically as well as theoretically based opinions.
3. Students will examine and evaluate alternative perspectives and opinions while challenging their own assumptions regarding social issues related to sport and society.
4. Students will exhibit knowledge of the primary institutions of family, education, religion, economic, and political structures in relation to sport and its impact on society.
5. Students will demonstrate an understanding of race, class, and gender inequality and the impact within sport and society.
6. Students will analyze the influence of individual values, beliefs, and traditions in sport on the larger society.
7. Students will develop and express interpretation and analysis of sociological principles through formal and informal writing.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Social Science

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