SOC 212 : Race, Class, and Gender

Transcript title

Race, Class, and Gender



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Addresses systems of privilege and domination as interrelated and shaped by historical, institutional, political, and social forces. Applies sociological theories to addressing the intersection between race, class, gender, and other aspects of our identities and structural conditions.

Course learning outcomes

1. Analyze the intersections between social class, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other areas of difference.
2. Examine cultural and social assumptions that influence the social and institutional experiences of various social groups in society.
3. Apply sociological perspective to course readings, case studies, and historical and contemporary events.

Content outline

  1. Sociological perspective
  2. The matrix of domination
  3. Social construction and sociological analysis of race
  4. Intersection theory
  5. Whiteness and white privilege
  6. Social construction of sociological analysis of gender
  7. Social construction of sociological analysis of race
  8. Colorblind racism

Required materials

All readings available online.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Human Relations
  • Social Science
  • Cultural Literacy

Outside of

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