SUS 220 : Sustainable Food and Agriculture

Transcript title

Sustainable Food and Ag



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours


Course Description

Explores the environmental, social, and economic impacts of our food choices and growing practices. Introduces sustainability and regenerative agriculture concepts in the classroom, then engages with them firsthand at select Central Oregon farms, ranches, and supporting organizations.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic systems in the context of food production.
2. Analyze the major environmental, social, and economic challenges and potential solutions of our time using a systems thinking approach.
3. Develop an applied understanding of sustainable agriculture by engaging in regular field work with Central Oregon farms, ranches, markets, and supporting organizations.
4. Apply principles of sustainability to the development of personal values and professional goals.

Content outline

  1. Current state of food, farming, and planet
  2. Defining and measuring sustainability
  3. Intro to agricultural concepts: soil, seeds, fertilizer, and water
  4. Central Oregon agriculture: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
  5. The U.S. food system: history, practices, and externalities
  6. Regenerative agriculture: history, practices, and considerations
  7. Local food and food sovereignty
  8. Central Oregon water rights and issues
  9. Central Oregon land access and issues

Required materials

This course features weekly field trips and work events at local farms, ranches, and supporting organizations. Appropriate clothing (gloves, pants, closed-toe shoes, rain gear, etc.) and a sack lunch are required. Transportation will be provided.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Social Science

Outside of

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