TA 200 : Introduction to Theater

Transcript title

Introduction to Theater



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Introduces students to the understanding and appreciation of theater as a performing art. Provides a basic foundation in theater history, the roles of theatre-makers, and the materials, methods and processes integral to theatrical performance. A wide variety of theatrical genres and traditions are explored. Culminates with a creative project unique to each student.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain the collaborative nature of theater.
2. Describe the basic functions of the playwright, actor, director, designer, technician, dramaturg, and producing organization.
3. Differentiate between historical European theater traditions and those of traditional Asian theaters.
4. Employ a broad range of theatrical terminology, including vocabulary from acting/directing, technical theater, theater history, and criticism.
5. Dramatize a written play script through visualizing its performance.
6. Evaluate a play performance.
7. Create a theatrical work of art.

Content outline

  1. Theater through the Ages:
    1. Ancient Greece
    2. Medieval Europe
    3. Elizabethan England (Shakespeare)
    4. Theatrical Innovations of 18th and 19th Century Europe
    5. Russians Changed Everything! (Chekov and Stanislavsky)
    6. Dominant Theatrical Forms of 20th Century 
  2. Roles and Functions
    1. Playwright
    2. Actor
    3. Director
    4. Designer
    5. Technician
    6. Producer
    7. Dramaturg
  3. Theater Creating Social Change
  4. Selected Non-Western Theatrical Traditions
    1. Japan
    2. China
    3. India
  5. Musicals - a particularly American form of theater
    1. Golden Age Book Musicals
    2. Songbook Musicals
    3. Rock and Pop Musicals
  6. Plays
    1. Read
    2. Watch in Performance
    3. Critique
  7. Final Creative Project
    1. Select play
    2. Formulate vision
    3. Construct project
    4. Present project to class

Required materials

Readings and viewings are fair use, public domain and OER.

Student may be required to see a live performance for which the single ticket cost will not exceed $40.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Arts and Letters

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