VT 111 : Hematology and Urinalysis

Transcript title

Hematology and Urinalysis



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours



VT 108, VT 110, VT 114, VT 118.


VT 112, VT 113, VT 116.

Course Description

Covers laboratory techniques of hematology, serum chemistry, and urinalysis. Also explores special commercial laboratory test procedures.

Course learning outcomes

1. Describe and demonstrate proper handling of blood and urine samples.
2. List indications for and tests used for hematological and serum chemistry testing.
3. Describe and perform hematological and serum chemistry testing.
4. Describe and perform urinalysis.
5. Recognize and explain normal and abnormal findings of urinalysis and hematological and serum chemistry testing.
6. Describe indications and procedures for submitting special commercial laboratory tests.

Content outline

  1. Lecture
    1. Introduction to the Laboratory
    2. Urine Collection and Handling
    3. Urinalysis
    4. Hematopoiesis
    5. Blood Collection and Handling
    6. Automated Analyzers
    7. Blood Chemistries
    8. Hematology – CBC
    9. Hematology – morphologic abnormalities
    10. Blood Parasites
    11. Immunology
    12. Blood Typing and Crossmatching
    13. Hemostasis
    14. Clinical Chemistry
    15. Additional Hematologic Tests
    16. Hematopoietic Disorders
  2. Lab 
    1. Collection of Urine Samples
    2. Urinalysis
    3. Blood Smears, PCV/TP, Calculations
    4. Retic Count, ELISA
    5. Blood Typing and Crossmatching
    6. Hematology
    7. Leukopet Buffy coat
    8. Quality Control Measures

Required materials

Required textbook and a white lab coat.

Outside of

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