Transcript title
Exotic and Lab Animal Medicine
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Lab hours
VT 108, VT 110, VT 114 and VT 118.
VT 111, VT 112, VT 116.
Course Description
Provides an overview of the anatomy and physiology, the care and handling, and diseases of common laboratory and exotic small animals. Covers the principles of lab animal use in research with an emphasis on animal welfare.
Course learning outcomes
1. Demonstrate effective handling and restraint of lab animals.
2. Identify common lab and exotic animal species and breeds.
3. Describe and demonstrate appropriate husbandry for lab and exotic animals.
4. Perform safe and effective administration of medications for lab animals.
5. Perform collection of blood samples from lab animals.
6. Determine the sex and describe the reproduction of lab and exotic animals.
7. Explain anesthetic and recovery procedures for lab animals.
8. Identify and describe clinical signs of common diseases of lab and exotic animals.
9. Explain the basic principles of animal use in research with an emphasis on animal welfare.