VT 200 : Radiation Safety

Transcript title

Radiation Safety



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours



VT 111, VT 112, VT 113 and VT 116.


VT 201, VT 203, VT 209, VT 212.

Course Description

Introduces x-radiation and safety principles involved in using x-ray machines.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain how x-rays are produced, the dangers of radiation, and appropriate safety measures when working around radiation.
2. Summarize radiographic quality control measures.
3. Explain the procedure used to develop a radiographic technique chart.
4. Discuss the principles and methods used to develop x-ray films.
5. Compare and contrast types of animal restraints and positioning techniques for obtaining quality radiographs.
6. Critique radiographic images and describe specific measures to improve techniques.
7. Explain how to properly label, file, and store radiographic images.
8. Summarize federal and state regulations related to radiation.

Content outline

  1. X-rays: Characteristics and properties
  2. X-ray tube anatomy and function
  3. Exposure factors and technique charts
  4. Radiographic image quality
  5. Radiographic technique evaluation
  6. Scatter radiation, grids, collimation
  7. Radiation safety
  8. Overview of positioning
  9. Digital imaging
  10. Causes of x-ray tube failure
  11. Radiographic artifacts

Required materials


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