VT 201 : Anesthesiology and Surgery Techniques

Transcript title

Anesthesiology Surg Tech



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours



VT 111, VT 112, VT 113, and VT 116.


VT 200, VT 203, VT 209, VT 212.

Course Description

Covers the principles and practices of veterinary anesthesia and surgical assistance.

Course learning outcomes

1. Calculate dosages of anesthetic and emergency drugs.
2. Explain methods for monitoring patient status during anesthetic procedures and the appropriate response to patients in compromised states.
3. Explain pain management protocols and the decision-making process for implementation.
4. Describe and demonstrate proper operation of anesthetic delivery and monitoring equipment.
5. Identify surgical instruments and describe their use.
6. Explain methods for and perform preparation of surgical instruments, gowns and drapes.
7. Describe and demonstrate aseptic techniques for patient preparation and surgical assisting.
8. Explain and identify common suture materials, types and sizes.

Content outline

  1. Lecture
    1. Intro, anesthetic definitions, panentheistic evaluation, ASA status
    2. IV catheterization, fluid therapy, endotracheal intubation, anesthetic record, controlled drugs log
    3. Instrument packs, instrument care, sterilization, autoclaves
    4. Premedication and sedation, anesthetic induction
    5. Inhalant anesthetics/Anesthesia Machines
    6. Aseptic operating room techniques, sterile hand scrubbing, gowning, gloving
    7. Stages of anesthesia, monitoring
    8. Maintenance of anesthesia, recovery
    9. Surgical site preparation, patient positioning
    10. Technician’s Role in Pain management
    11. Suture materials, suture patterns, needles, tissue handling
    12. Ventilation techniques, anesthesia for high risk patients
    13. Anesthetic problems and emergencies
    14. Client Education for post-op care
  2. Lab
    1. Lab Orientation
    2. Surgical Instruments
    3. Operating room sanitation
    4. ASA Status
    5. Drug Calculations
    6. Log Books
  3. Instrument Care
    1. Autoclave use and maintenance
    2. Wrapping packs, folding gowns
    3. Pack and Individual instrument sterilization
  4. Anesthetic machines, their components and waste anesthetic gases
    1. Opening packs
    2. Aseptically passing instruments
    3. Gloving – open and closed 
  5. Monitors (pulse oximeter, ECG, BP)
    1. IV fluid calculation, fluid pump
    2. Endotracheal intubation (model)
    3. BMBT 
  6. Positioning and surgical prep of patient
    1. Scrubbing for surgery
    2. Gowning and gloving for surgery
  7. Dental instruments and technique
    1. Suture material and needles
    2. Staples
    3. Suction machine and tips
  8. Technician Roles
    1. Anesthesia Tech
    2. Surgical Nurse
    3. Circulating Tech
    4. Dental Tech
    5. Positive Pressure Ventilation
  9. Practice
    1. Exam
    2. Bloodwork
    3.  ASA status
    4. Drug calculations
    5. Anesthetic plan

Required materials

Textbook, scrubs, stethoscope, watch with second hand, bandage scissors, small animal thermometer, COCC nametag

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