VT 209 : Large Animal Diseases

Transcript title

Large Animal Diseases



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours



VT 111, VT 112, VT 113 and VT 116.


VT 200, VT 201, VT 203, VT 212.

Course Description

Covers preventative medicine and diseases of large animals including the public health significance of relevant large animal diseases. Examines the role of the veterinary technician in performing diagnostics, nursing care, and client education.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain causes and describe clinical signs of common large animal diseases.
2. Explain preventive medicine protocols relative to large animals.
3. Summarize the veterinary technician’s role in collecting samples and conducting diagnostic tests for large animal diseases.
4. Explain the nursing care and treatment modalities the veterinary technician would provide for common large animal diseases.
5. Effectively communicate discharge and follow-up instructions to clients.
6. Explain the public health significance of relevant large animal diseases.
7. Effectively communicate prevention measures for common large animal diseases to clients.

Content outline

  1. Equine Diseases
  2. Bovine Diseases
  3. Small Ruminant Diseases
  4. Camelid Diseases
  5. Porcine Diseases
  6. Poultry Diseases
  7. Toxic Plants
  8. Euthanasia
  9. Necropsy

Required materials

Required textbook.

Outside of

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