VT 212 : Veterinary Microbiology

Transcript title

Veterinary Microbiology



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours



VT 111, VT 112, VT 113 and VT 116.


VT 200, VT 201, VT 203, VT 209.

Course Description

Explores clinical microbiology and cytology as it relates to veterinary technology. Covers the basic principles of microbial classification, growth, and pathogenicity as well as various laboratory methods used in identification of microorganisms.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain basic principles of microbial classification, growth, and pathogenicity.
2. Identify common animal pathogens and describe their associated diseases.
3. Explain immunological responses to and methods to combat pathogenic microbes.
4. Explain and perform culture and sensitivity testing for identification of microbes and appropriate microbial therapy.
5. Explain and perform staining procedures for identification of microbes.
6. Explain and perform culture and identification of common dermatophytes.
7. Explain and perform cytologic evaluation of ear and vaginal samples.

Content outline

  1. Lecture
    1. Intro to Pathogens
    2. Bacteria: morphology, staining, and sample collection
    3. Bacteria: anatomy, metabolism, and genetics
    4. Bacterial pathogens and virulence; Gram+ pathogens
    5. Gram+ pathogens
    6. Antibiotic sensitivity testing and antimicrobial drugs
    7. Fungi: description, diagnosis
    8. Viruses and virus isolation
    9. Viral diseases
    10. Serologic and PCR tests
    11. Cytology – sample collection, smears, evaluation
  2. Lab
    1. Gram stain; Inoculation of culture media
    2. Gram stain; Streak plating for isolation of colonies
    3. Gram stain; Pure culture; Tests for identification
    4. Tests for identification
    5. Antibiotic sensitivity testing; Urine culture
    6. Fungi
    7. Preparing samples for submission
    8. Cytology

Required materials

Textbook, lab manual, and a white lab coat.

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