Transcript title
Capstone: Printmaking
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Other hours
ART 270.
Recommended preparation
ART 271.
Course Description
Provides advanced, individualized development in printmaking. Develop a unique project or series. Provides opportunity for in-depth concept, research, development, and final presentation of long-term project. Repeatable for credit.
Course learning outcomes
1. Create a portfolio-quality final piece or series.
2. Write a concept statement for the project.
3. Prepare project for exhibition.
4. Use media-specific terminology when receiving and providing feedback.
Content outline
- Concept and timeline for project
- Project research, references, and materials
- Present work in progress to class and instructor for feedback throughout the term
- Prepare finished project for exhibition (concept statement, displays, etc.) depending on type of printmaking
- Final presentation of project to class
- Constructive critique: receiving and giving feedback between instructor and classmates
Required materials
Students will need to provide specific materials used in this course; please see the syllabus for a detailed list.