FA 125 : World Cinema

Transcript title

World Cinema



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

WR 121Z.

Course Description

Introduction to comparative study of compelling feature films and their directors from around the globe, analyzing subject matter, theme, genre, narrative structure, character, film style and technique as expressions of diverse cultural worldviews and distinctive artistic visions.

Course learning outcomes

1. Define World Cinema and explain the value of cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approaches to comparative study of world films and directors.
2. Provide accurate "filmographical" information on selected world films and directors, and demonstrate understanding of key information provided in a "filmography" especially important to World Cinema studies.
. Identify and apply relevant "contextual" background information (e.g. aesthetic*, biographical, cultural, historical, geographical, national, political, religious, socio-economic, etc.) significant to analyzing and understanding selected world films and directors. [Relevant *aesthetic background information might include the director's film history, influences and/or theory.]
4. Demonstrate and apply relevant knowledge of principal elements of narrative fiction and film story-telling (such as genre, theme, plot, character, point of view, setting, symbol, cinematography, shot types, editing, mise-en-scene, music, sound design) significant to analyzing and understanding selected world films and their directors' distinctive film styles.
5. Apply useful insights gained from viewing "primary" works (films) and from reading "secondary" works of film criticism to analyze and understand selected world films and directors; and, in doing so, avoid plagiarism by appropriately citing summaries, paraphrases, and direct quotations from course and/or outside sources used.
6. Use comparison/contrast analysis to identify and explain significant similarities and differences among selected world films and/or their directors.
7. Extend and apply the knowledge and methods student has learned in this class to developing a term project (including filmography, recommended resources, introduction and film worksheet) on a selected world film and director.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Arts and Letters

Outside of

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