Transcript title
Group Counseling Skills
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Recommended preparation
WR 121Z.
Course Description
Provides an introduction to social and interpersonal influences on behavior, group dynamics, developmental stages of a group, and an overview of theoretical approaches to group counseling. Emphasis is on developing group leadership skills.
Course learning outcomes
1. Describe relevance, utility, and application of group work to the counseling profession.
2. Identify ethical guidelines and problems related to group work.
3. Analyze group stages, process, and dynamics.
4. Examine characteristics of group leaders that affect group process and demonstrate personal awareness of own strengths, weaknesses, values, and prejudices and the effects on others.
Content outline
- The Counselor: Person and Professional
- Ethical Issues
- Multicultural Issues
- Theories and Techniques
- Stages of Group Development
Required materials
General education/Related instruction lists