Transcript title
Pop Culture: Travel Literature
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Recommended preparation
WR 121Z.
Course Description
Cross-cultural study of travel as exploration, personal narrative, anthropological inquiry and social criticism of places and peoples represented as "other" or "exotic." Examines popular culture as depicted in genres such as travel memoirs, journalism, advertising, educational videos and feature films that critique touristic assumptions.
Course learning outcomes
1. Explain how selected elements of form and content interact to shape the meaning of individual works within subgenres of travel literature (e.g., geographical discovery, personal narrative, anthropological inquiry, sociopolitical criticism, etc.).
2. Analyze relationships between travel literature and other media of popular culture to explain how this genre expresses values and beliefs, themes, or social and political issues.
3. Demonstrate analytical skills, using evidence from primary and secondary sources to illustrate and support one’s argument.
Content outline
- Plot, character, theme, point of view, setting, symbol, style, and, if applicable, camera work
- Subgenres and conventions of travel literature
Required materials
Students will need to bring the required textbook(s) to class, along with a notebook and writing utensil or a personal laptop to take notes.
General education/Related instruction lists