MFG 268 : Production CNC Operations Mill

Transcript title

Production CNC Operations Mill



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours



MFG 256 and MFG 257.

Prerequisites with concurrency

MFG 258 and MFG 270.

Course Description

Provides opportunity to evaluate efficiency of a parts manufacturing process using a mill. Covers methods to improve efficiency.

Course learning outcomes

1. Analyze run time of computer numerical control milling machines to improve efficiency.
2. Improve efficiency of computer numerical control milling machine.
3. Communicate how efficiency improvements were made.

Content outline

  • Efficiency of CNC machines
  • How cutter technology can improve efficiency
  • Affects of coolant and speeds and feeds
  • How part material and chip removal effect efficiency

Required materials

Required textbook.

Outside of

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