MUS 211 : Music Theory IIA

Transcript title

Music Theory IIA



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

MUS 113. Recommended to be taken with

Course Description

A continuation of common-practice period harmony (Music Theory I) with stress on chromatic resources, musical form, and style analysis including an introduction to harmonic practices of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Course learning outcomes

1. Identify and notate the three types of augmented 6th, extended, and chromatic mediant chords and describe how they are used in context of compositions.
2. Identify and notate the Neapolitan chord as well as various types of borrowed chords and describe how they are used in context of compositions.
3. Identify and analyze motive and melodic content of compositions.
4. Compose melodies (with basic harmony) of various lengths and styles.
5. Correctly diagram and describe various small musical forms.
6. Analyze music composed in various small musical forms.
7. Correctly diagram and describe larger musical forms such as compound ternary and rondo.
8. Compose a set of simple variations.

Content outline

  1. Neapolitan Chords, Augmented 6th Chords
  2. 9th, 11th, 13th Chords, Altered Dominants
  3. Chromatic Mediants, Motivic/Melodic Analysis, i.e. Phrasing
  4. Small Form Analysis Review
  5. Binary, Ternary, Rounded Binary, Bar Form, Compound Ternary
  6. Full-scale analysis of works cast in Small Forms
  7. Composition of a percussion based small form exercise
  8. Theme and Variations, Rondo Form

Required materials

This course may require the textbook used in previous music theory courses. (Please see the syllabus for details.)

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