MUS 212 : Music Theory IIB

Transcript title

Music Theory IIB



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

MUS 211. Recommended to be taken with

Course Description

A continuation of common-practice period harmony (Music Theory I) with stress on chromatic resources, musical form, and style analysis including an introduction to harmonic practices of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Course learning outcomes

1. Describe and distinguish between the three uses of the word “sonata,” including sonata form, the sonata cycle, and a sonata.
2. Identify, analyze, and comment on the components of the symphony, the concerto and the string quartet (and other smaller musical genres), describing their development from the baroque era through today.
3. Wax poetically on the virtues, styles, elements and history of opera.
4. Use the basic language that describes species counterpoint to analyze and identify works composed in that style and complete species counterpoint exercises.
5. Compose a two-part invention in the appropriate baroque style or a brief work cast in one of the rondo forms or sonata form with appropriate classical/romantic style characteristics.
6. Analyze works cast in fugal styles and compose a fugal exposition that is stylistically appropriate.
7. Describe and employ the Schenkerian analysis concepts on small and medium sized works.
8. Analyze music composed in large musical forms and discuss its basis on the sonata cycle.
9. Interpret the information presented in a full score, specifically relating to instrumentation and transposition.

Content outline

  1. Review of advanced harmonic procedures (Neapolitan, Altered Dominants, Augmented 6th)
  2. Analysis of melodic form
  3. Composition of melodic material with simple harmonies
  4. Detailed analysis of works cast in small forms
  5. Analysis (simple and detailed) of works cast in large forms (symphony, sonata, variations, et cetera)
  6. Composition of simple works (typically percussion based) that demonstrate knowledge of musical form

Required materials

This course may require the textbook used in previous music theory courses. (Please see the syllabus for details.)

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