Accounting Clerk - One-Year Certificate of Completion (CC1)


The Accounting Clerk One-Year Certificate of Completion is designed to give students a foundation for careers in clerical accounting. All coursework may be applied to the Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:

  1. Apply effective written and verbal communication skills individually and in groups.
  2. Apply analytical, technology, and reasoning skills relevant to the profession.
  3. Apply appropriate ethical choices on both a professional and personal level.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of accounting terminology.
  5. Perform basic accounting functions, such as complete steps in the accounting cycle, prepare financial statements, and document transactions.

Entrance Requirements

Academic Entrance Requirements


  • High school diploma or GED
  • Completion of WR 065 Rhetoric and Critical Thinking II (or higher) or minimum placement Wr/Comm Level 7
  • Completion of MTH 060 Beginning Algebra (or higher) or minimum placement Math Level 10

Course Requirements

Course Title Credits
BA 101ZIntroduction to Business4
BA 104Business Math3
BA 111Applied Accounting I3
BA 112Applied Accounting II3
BA 113Applied Accounting III3
BA 177Payroll Accounting3
BA 178Customer Service3
or BA 285 Business Human Relations
BA 214Business Communications3
BA 229QuickBooks3
BA Elective (any BA prefix)3-4
CIS 120Computer Concepts (or Computer Competency Test)0-4
CIS 125EExcel4
CIS 131Software Applications4
Total Credits39-44

Advising Notes

Students should consult their advisor if they have transfer credits, are not able to attend full time, or are not at college level in reading, writing, and math. This certificate is designed for students planning to enter their chosen career upon graduation. Often only selected credits are considered transferable to public or private baccalaureate institutions.

Performance Standards

  • Academic Requirements:
    • Students must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA to earn a COCC certificate or degree.
    • All courses in the program must be completed with a grade of C or higher.
  • Additional Requirements:
    • Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and can result in the offending student being dropped from the program. Students wishing reinstatement must seek endorsement from the department chair after completing a progressive review.

Sample Plan

Sample Plan Grid
First Year
BA 101ZIntroduction to Business4
BA 104Business Math3
BA 111Applied Accounting I3
CIS 120Computer Concepts (or Computer Competency Test)0-4
BA 112Applied Accounting II3
BA 178
Customer Service
or Business Human Relations
BA 214Business Communications3
CIS 131Software Applications4
BA 113Applied Accounting III3
BA 177Payroll Accounting3
BA 229QuickBooks3
BA Elective (Any BA prefix)3-4
CIS 125EExcel4
 Total Credits39-44

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