NUR 106 Nursing I (12 Credits)
Introduces fundamental concepts of nursing practice including nursing process, critical thinking, therapeutic communication, and cultural considerations. Students will have the opportunity to begin learning about patients with altered states of health. Students will become familiar with the major drug classifications and develop a working knowledge of pharmacological principles. The skills lab focuses on assessment and development of a core set of beginning level nursing skills. The clinical practicum provides students with the opportunity to apply knowledge and clinical skills to the adult patient with basic nursing care needs. First term of the practical nurse sequence and of the nursing program.
NUR 107 Nursing II (10 Credits)
Introduces students to the knowledge and skills that are necessary in providing nursing care to individual patients experiencing an altered state of health. The clinical lab focuses on developing skills in the areas of medication administration, intravenous therapy, and simple wound management. The clinical practicum provides students with the opportunity to apply knowledge and clinical skills to the adult patient with medical-surgical nursing needs. Second term of the practical nursing certificate and the nursing degree.
NUR 108 Nursing III (11 Credits)
Provides students with the opportunity to obtain the knowledge and skills that are necessary to implement the role of a practical nurse in providing care to acutely ill patients across the lifespan. Concepts of mental health and maternal child nursing are introduced. The ability to communicate effectively, therapeutically and professionally is emphasized. The learning resource center lab focuses on developing skills in parenteral, and nutritional therapies. Students will also complete a simulation experience and a comprehensive assessment of a complete set of core nursing skills from the first year of the Nursing program. The clinical practicum provides the opportunity for patient-centered care based on established standards and contributes to nursing care delivery at the practical nurse level. Final term of the practical nursing certificate and third term of the nursing degree.
NUR 112 Introduction to Community Nursing (2 Credits)
Introduces foundational content for the community-based nurse, to better prepare a student for a career in community nursing. Includes community health topics such as epidemiology, environment, culture, ethics, health policy, global health topics and emerging infectious disease. Explore strategies to promote healthy partnerships in schools, faith communities, marginalized groups, and with the elderly as well as gain an understanding of the role of health policy in relationship to healthy communities.
NUR 199 Selected Topics: Nursing I (1-8 Credits)
Presents selected topics of study in the field of nursing offered on a temporary or experimental basis for first year Nursing students.
NUR 206 Nursing IV (11 Credits)
Focuses on the integration of knowledge and skills acquired in the first year of the nursing program as the student transitions from the practical nurse to the registered nurse role. Nursing curriculum expands on the concepts of nursing process, caring, holism and professionalism at the registered nurse level. Emphasis is on the development of competency in critical thinking and caring interventions toward individuals and families. The learning resource center lab focuses on the development of higher-level assessment and intravenous medication and fluid therapy. Clinical practicum provides the students with an opportunity to provide holistic, individualized nursing care for complex medical-surgical and mentally ill clients. Fourth term of the nursing degree, first term of the registered nurse sequence.
NUR 207 Nursing V (10 Credits)
Introduces community–based nursing care of individuals and families, care of the critically ill patient, as well as maternal child care of the high-risk patient. The nursing curriculum continues to expand on the role of the registered nurse to promote critical thinking and clinical decision-making. Students further develop their skills in patient teaching, patient care planning, and management. A simulation experience allows the students to manage the care of a patient through multiple stages of an illness using a team approach. The clinical practicum focuses on mastering the nursing process to provide and direct holistic and individualized patient care to increasingly complex patients. Students are provided additional experiences in the community-based and mental health settings. Fifth term of the nursing degree, second term of the registered nurse sequence.
NUR 208 Nursing VI (9 Credits)
Focuses on refining clinical decision-making skills related to the complex health care needs of patients across the lifespan in a variety of health care settings. Concepts of quality nursing care, legal and ethical issues, professional communication, leadership and management of care, and collaborative practice are addressed in relation to nursing practice. Students participate in a four-week, full-time capstone clinical experience focusing on managing groups of patients or individual patients with high-level needs. The course concludes with a capstone case study presentation and a national board preparation exam. Sixth term of the nursing degree, third term of the registered nurse sequence.
NUR 218 Basic EKG (1 Credit)
Basic three-lead electrocardiograph interpretation. Open to allied health, exercise science, and nursing students.
NUR 220 Developing a Sense of Belonging in Nursing (1 Credit)
Utilizes narrative pedagogy concepts such as storytelling, discussion, and reflection to address the importance of developing a sense of belonging in nursing and how it affects integration into professional practice. Includes the topics of belonging as a concept, moral distress, imposter syndrome, professional identity, professional boundaries and preparation for practice.
NUR 280A CWE Nursing I (1-4 Credits)
Provides an opportunity for nursing students who also possess their CNA license to obtain college credit while providing direct patient care in acute or long-term care facility. Other nursing related healthcare work experience may also be eligible at the discretion of the instructor. A maximum of 1 credit may be awarded per term for each of the 6 terms of the AAS nursing program. P/NP grading. Repeatable for credit.
NUR 280B CWE Nursing II (1-4 Credits)
Provides an opportunity for nursing students who possess an unencumbered LPN or RN license to obtain college credit for providing direct patient care while employed in a long-term or acute-care facility. Requires formal reflection on how the work experience supported student’s learning and professional goals. Thirty hours of documented LPN/RN work equals one credit. A maximum of 1 credit may be awarded per term for each of the 6 terms of the AAS nursing program. P/NP grading.
NUR 298 Independent Study: Nursing (1-6 Credits)
Individualized, advanced study to focus on outcomes not addressed in existing courses or of special interest to a student. P/NP grading.
NUR 299 Selected Topics: Nursing (1-3 Credits)
Presents selected topics of study in the field of nursing offered on a temporary or experimental basis for second year Nursing students.